Nestled in clouds

Barn and Olympics

I love the view from the road where I took this shot. This was during a break between storms when the lower part of the Olympics was shrouded in clouds. Tomorrow I’ll show you another view from nearby.

Note to locals: If you’re curious about the explosions you heard around 1 o’clock today, here’s the story. Three unexploded phosphorus flares from Canadian Navy exercises washed ashore beneath the Dungeness bluffs. The U.S. Army buried and then detonated them.

Going backwards

Barn n Clouds

Sometimes I drive myself crazy. And I do it especially — and literally — driving. I see a great shot, then try to figure out if I should stop and take a picture. Then I look for a place to stop. And now, since I’m some distance from the shot, I have to figure out where to turn around. Occasionally the shot is still there by the time I get back.

Monday the sky was full of cloudy drama. The light was great. Then I spent a long time. Driving. Myself. Crazy.

Message to City Daily Photo bloggers: The photo challenge for February 1st is If you had to leave forever the city from which you usually post, what would you miss most?