For the next month most of the photos will from my fellow Digital Artist Group friends. I am moving my father-in-law in a different city and then have some medical stuff of my own to take care of. So enjoy the work of my VERY TALENTED friends!
Category: Art
High Key Cranes
I went to Bosque del Apache NM to study under Lisa Langell a brilliant creative photographer. One of our tasks was to learn how to shoot in “high Key” where you deliberately make the background completely white to separate your subject.
A Week @ Bosque Del Apache NM
I love to turn photos into pieces of art…
Happy New Year-2023!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from my Home. It’s been snowy so I’ve been holed up editing photos.
I really appreciate all of your support and kind feedback..
It took a shot of the wake behind our boat on Lake Crescent . I played with filters and made this abstract…it’s got some Van Gogh starry nights going on…
Reflective beauty
These glass balls remind me of Christmas ornaments. I love hanging glass balls on my tree. The black glass surface really shows off the the glass at the Chihuly Glass and Garden musem. Can you tell I LOVE this place!