Category: Animals
Hide & Seek
We call him Fred–although it might be a Fredrika. He likes to play hide-n-seek.
Tides Pools
Put on your wellies and go tide pooling!
Far Away Friday #1
I though I’d try something new each Friday. An escape to far away places.
Participating in photo safaris around the world brings me GREAT joy. I hope these photos bring you some too.
These are wildebeests in migration across Tanzania.
A Newbie. Just like me.
A newborn seal on my beach in Sequim Bay, crying for its mother who went off to feed.
Saturday Critter: Timmy
Have you ever gotten to know a chinchilla?
This is Timmy, a chinchilla that belongs to a neighbor. A couple of years ago I had the pleasure to “chinchilla sit” while my neighbors were out of town.
Timmy is a little larger than a hamster with the thickest, softest fur imaginable. He got comfortable with me pretty quickly once he realized that I was the person providing his daily rations (including bits of dried fruit, a favorite), tiny apple tree branches to chew, and the distraction of a human entering his lair. I enjoyed getting to know him.
Sharing with Saturday Critters. Click here to see other critters from around the world.
Saturday critter
Cows seem very expressive to me. And the long, long eyelashes! I caught this one mid-chew.
Sharing with Saturday Critters. Click here to see other critters from around the world.