Faraway Friday–Tanzania

Views of Sequim, the Olympic Peninsula. . .and beyond
They are really prolific this year. However they are very cute so we don’t mind.
Heron’s are so shy. I scouted this one and several others in a bay outside Victoria. I was setting up with a long 800mm lens when a lady comes around the corner VERY LOUDLY talking to someone on her phone– completely oblivious of the three photographers set up at the entrance to the trail down to the beach.
I asked her if she could wait just 1 minute and let us take a couple shots before she went down because it would scare the birds away. She just waived her hands wildly and went tearing down the trail. I got this one shot before all the birds took flight….
These puffins live on protection island just off Sequim in the strait. It’s been too stormy for me to go out in my lil boat until the beginning of July. There were only 4 left that we could find.
This is the largest breeding ground for them on the west coast. They are soooo cool!
Protection from humans, but not predators…
I shot this from my boat. When I first took it I thought it was really big salmon. Protection Island is just off the Sequim coast in the straight. It has all sorts of bird wildlife….and seals.
This lil baby seal didn’t make it.
Freedom started as a lil idea that grew. Just like this lil baldy.
We should never take for granted that they will both still exist without our help!
This river otter (they live in salt water too) barely made it onto my dock before he went to sleep. I guess he was tired!