Lavender Festival

I thought I was going to skip all things Lavender Festival this year, but as soon as it started that didn’t hold and I got the lavender bug.  All of the different things going on are energizing and fun to check out.  The weather surprised me and was good yesterday until about 4 when the rain came.  Hopefully those who are attending the festival made the rounds before the rain hit and are enjoying themselves!

Ants go marching

I bet locals thought I’d post some kind of lavender picture today in honor of the start of the Lavender Festival.   I had intended to go take one yesterday afternoon, but it turned into one of those days where just when you put out one fire, another pops up and I didn’t get to. 

This photo above I took the same night I took the light shot from yesterday.  This is an ant hill at Dungeness Rec area that we’ve been observing for a couple of years now and making sure while in that area that we step over the ones that are busily traveling across the trail.

Locals, are you going to the Lavender Festival?  The free Art Tour?

Article about the festival and how it’s two festivals this year.

What's down this road?

When I see a road that I haven’t been on before I feel the urge to go explore it.  I was out driving and I saw a road called Fasola that I didn’t remember being on so I took it and I came upon a sign that said Green Haven Apartments, Vacancy.  I thought that was interesting because it didn’t look like a place at all that would have an apartment complex, it was on a rural road back in the woods.  I turned down that road and came upon the apartment complex.  It’s a pretty interesting place with chickens, a pond, trails.  You can check it out here.