Peacocks galore

These are from the Game Farm.  Driving around the roads in that area it’s pretty common to spot a peacock.  In the parking lot they usually roam all around too.  These were in the parking lot and they all wanted to come up for a visit (used to people giving food.)  I was just looking up information on peacocks about their coloring and found the following on the peafowl Wikipedia page:

The male (peacock) Indian Peafowl has iridescent blue-green or green colored plumage. The so-called “tail” of the peacock, also termed the “train,” is not the tail quill feathers but highly elongated upper tail coverts. The train feathers have a series of eyes that are best seen when the tail is fanned. Both species have a crest atop the head.

The female (peahen) Indian Peafowl has a mixture of dull green, brown, and grey in her plumage. She lacks the long upper tail coverts of the male but has a crest. The female can also display her plumage to ward off female competition or danger to her young.

It was a lesson to me that the females are called peahens, I’ve always just said peacocks.

Happy New Year!

(Sky shot and Piggies shots taken by Norma a.k.a. Lavender Lady)

Today is theme day for City Daily Photo and the theme is Photo of the Year 2010.   It’s hard to pick one photo that is photo of the year, especially when you are the one who took the pictures.  So last night my husband and I went through a year’s worth of pictures and came up with those four shots.  Norma ran the site for the first half of the year so I wanted to include her awesome pictures and they are the bottom two.  My husband picked the beautiful sky as his favorite and I picked the piggies.  The first two are my pictures and my husband picked the Lazy J Tree Farm pond reflection shot as a favorite, I picked my dog sleeping in the sun. 

I also loved watching the eaglets grow and that was a highlight. 

I appreciate everyone who comes to the site, special thanks to those who have taken the time to share comments with me.  I hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2011!  Anyone make any resolutions?

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