From my Alpaca Friend at the Crescent Moon Ranch in Terrebonne, OR
Author: Colleen Bittner
Seasons @ Steelhead Falls Redmond OR
Moonset over Sequim Bay
I love seeing the moon set over Sequim bay. This night had really cool clouds coming in and out. It changed literally every second. I loved the swirl of color surrounding the moon here.
Let it snow! (virtually-the best way!)
I took yesterday’s photo and turned it into a snow scene. Santa may or may not have been there before!
Christmas Lights on Sequim Bay
Thanks again to the tribe who put MILLIONS of lights at the end of the bay. It keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Christmas at the Railroad Bridge
The S’kallam Tribe does such a WONDERFUL job lighting up so many areas in Sequim. Especially the Audubon Center and the the bridge for Christmas.
I miss my birds!
My hubby just cleaned out the bird house. They’ll be back next year for another round of fun.