Attitude is Everything

One step closer and I’ll dive-bomb you!

While I really don’t want to make this a blog all about birds, as I’ve mentioned before, birds are truly my favorite subjects to photograph and they constitute my largest collection of photos, many of which were captured here in Sequim.

This one is an adult male Rufous Hummingbird, and as you may be able to tell, he was a bit perturbed by my presence and apparently questioned my motives while I was pointing a camera in his face. But Rufous Hummingbirds are notoriously territorial and may drive off other species of hummers as well as persistent photographers.

And like most males of his species, he’s high energy and ready for confrontation at the drop of a hat; and as I’m sure he was either protecting his nest, or food source, I got out of there promptly, but not without grabbing this shot and a few others.

If you’re walking the main trail at the Dungeness Refuge, you may see him too. But keep it in mind, we’re on his migration route and since he’s only a visitor he’ll likely move on after just a week or two. So watch (and listen) for him on the south side of the first trail off of Voice of America Road, before the trees and before you begin your ascent up the hill – but beware, he means business!

Author: Peggy Hanson

I am a nature photographer and digital artist living and loving life in Sequim, WA.

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