Some of you may remember walking this trail, and if you do, you probably miss it today, but that’s where photographs come into the “picture”.
This one brings me joy every time I see it even though the trail is no longer walkable, at least on this stretch, but the far end of it is. And the new edition is also a great trail to get some exercise for you, and/or your dog, or to bird watch, look for wildlife, visit with friends and possibly their fur babies.
And since not everything in life stays the same, if you keep your memories alive with photos, you can always revisit what you may no longer be able experience first hand…and you’ll always have a “trail” of where you’ve been and what brought you joy along the way.
Thank you for helping us remember, through pictures, what we once enjoyed while living in Sequim! We really miss the area, but you’ve helped us remember through your excellent photos!
Oh thank you so much, Chris. I’m so glad you’re still tuning in although no longer living in the area. I hope you’ll continue to do so and that you’ll be able to return someday soon, if only for a visit.