On the Road Again!

Although not my car, I can well relate to the owner and maybe you can too. While I’m able, I want to see it all and do it all…and therefore, I’m on the road again, this time to Phoenix, returning in about a week.

In the meantime, beginning tomorrow, a number of friends and fellow photographers have offered to provide photos in my absence and I hope you’ll not only enjoy their work, but celebrate it by providing feedback, if at all possible.

Otherwise, have a great week, thanks much, and Adios!

Author: Peggy Hanson

I am a nature photographer and digital artist living and loving life in Sequim, WA.

8 thoughts on “On the Road Again!”

  1. Wishing you a safe trip! I am heading S as well for a bit. Though I seldom comment, I enjoy your photos a lot.

  2. Safe travels! Hey, why is it that sometimes your photo is visible in the email, and (most times) I have to click on the blog link to see it? Not a big deal, just curious.

    1. Thanks Caron! I haven’t figured out the issue with photos not displaying in all the emails as of yet, but I’m thinking it’s related to file sizes, although I’m sizing them all very similarly. I hope to resolve it soon tho so, so hang in there! I find it to be a pain as well.

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