Rather than collecting souvenirs that require dusting and storing, I prefer to come home with images instead, ones that I don’t always print, but that more often than not, remain stored on my computer for my enjoyment after my return.
Revisiting them takes me back to the time, place, and emotion I felt while enjoying a location’s draw and beauty. And while during yet another trip to Port Townsend, this beauty was waiting to be “captured” and to go home with me. I love boats, boating and just about everything associated with saltwater, and this lovely creation was no exception.
And as the years pass, it never wears on me, gets old, or begs me to donate it just to get get it out of my sight; it simply acts as if seeing a dear friend after a long hiatus, one I can go back to whenever the mood strikes me, or whenever I stumble on it in my computer. And I hope you enjoy it as much as me.