King Tide!?

Although you may recognize this as 3 Crabs Beach, it certainly didn’t appear like it back on December 30th of 2022.

We had a high tide of 9.13 feet that day, and although I’m not aware that it broke a record, it certainly appeared like it. I understood it to be a ‘King Tide’, but was curious as to whether the description was accurate.

While NOAA states that, ‘A King Tide is a non-scientific term people often use to describe exceptionally high tides’ whatever term you care to use, is fine with me. I found it incredibly inviting, and I was tempted to grab my kayak and paddle out, but as the sign indicates, the land and tide plains are protected; so I resisted, although of sinking the sign did come to mind…

Author: Peggy Hanson

I am a nature photographer and digital artist living and loving life in Sequim, WA.

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