ICM with Alders

A friend and fellow photographer and I took a lengthly drive on Blue Mountain Road a few years ago on a wintery day like today.

Like many other nature photographers, we sought to find inspiration to create unique images from what we found. And if you’ve driven Blue Mountain Road, you’ve may have found some photographic opportunities yourself (beyond the transfer station), e.g., the church, the rusted farm equipment, the Sears house, etc., just as we did.

But this particular day we were feeling creative, and therefore, experimented a bit with in camera movement (ICM) – a technique in which one zooms the lens forward and/or back to convey a sense of depth, and in this case, a bit a mystery as to how it was accomplished.

I hope you enjoy the end result, but if not, feel confident; the church, the rust, the house…they’re coming soon.

Author: Peggy Hanson

I am a nature photographer and digital artist living and loving life in Sequim, WA.

2 thoughts on “ICM with Alders”

  1. GOB-SMACKING. this BEGS to also be a painting, but it’s utterly glorious as a photograph in its own right.

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