I don’t know the history or the current status of this Sequim icon, but I certainly enjoy seeing it everyday, and because I see it more as a work of art, I decided to treat it as such.
I hope you enjoy the end result and if you have some knowledge of the owners, etc., please share it with me, and thanks much!
It is a favorite for me! I’m one who has loved the old barns in the area! Well, really, just about any barn anywhere! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Linda, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, it’s a favorite for me too. Old barns hold a lot of charm, character, and interest and since we have many, it’s another reason to love where we live!
Nice rendering, Peg.
If you are interested in Sequim history, including the Eberle family, you may want to consult “SEQUIM Pioneer Family Histories From: 1850 – W.W. II” & “SEQUIM Pioneer Family Histories From: 1850 – 1962”. (Added bonus – Cover pictures by local photographer Ross Hamilton)
The Library has both books, but they may be reference only as the first is out of print. The Gift Shop at Sequim Museum & Arts is also a great source for books on local history.
Thanks so much for your comment, I will look into it!