A Tender Moment

It had been awhile since I’d gotten close enough to photograph our elk herd, which I consider to be the gems of our community. But I was fortunate to spot them yesterday evening and to share in this tender moment between two cows.

The anticipation of seeing them, both the cows and the bulls, keeps me enthusiastic about hauling my gear, bundling up and waiting for the right moment, although it’s hit and miss as to whether they’ll show up, or “pose”.

I love the challenge though and when I take out-of-towners to their typical spot, they understand completely, although they often ask, “why would anyone name this SCHMUCK Road”???

Author: Peggy Hanson

I am a nature photographer and digital artist living and loving life in Sequim, WA.

6 thoughts on “A Tender Moment”

    1. Nancy, I’m so glad you do, and thank you for letting me know! It’s MUCH appreciated.

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