Dungeness River Nature Center Trestle

Another favorite spot for many us is the Nature Center, and although I photographed it in spring, the infrared/sepia treatment I applied to it almost makes it appear like snow on the trees.

If you haven’t visited the center, or haven’t since the new building and landscaping redesign, then you’re truly missing what is now one of Sequim’s most beautiful attractions.

As stated on their website at https://dungenessrivercenter.org/about-us/our-story/, “The Dungeness River Nature Center’s mission is to inspire understanding, respect, and stewardship of our natural and cultural resources”. And the trestle still stands a bridge between Sequim’s past and its present.

Author: Peggy Hanson

I am a nature photographer and digital artist living and loving life in Sequim, WA.

4 thoughts on “Dungeness River Nature Center Trestle”

    1. Yeah, no kidding! Considering all the pedestrian traffic it’s getting that could be a problem tho! 😁

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