The View from Helen’s Pond

Ahhh…the joys of winter on the Olympic Peninsula

The view of Helen’s Pond off of 3 Crabs Road, with Canada geese dotting the sky, offers a warmer approach to January than the snow on the ridge, at least for me.

And the return of the Trumpeters at Kirner Pond is the icing on the cake!

Author: Peggy Hanson

I am a nature photographer and digital artist living and loving life in Sequim, WA.

6 thoughts on “The View from Helen’s Pond”

  1. Beautiful photos! Peggy, you managed to express warmth from a view of the cold snow covered mountains. Love the geese.

    1. Thanks so much Sandy, I’m glad you enjoyed them. I was hoping that warmth would spread across the country…BRRRR!

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