Sequim is not without its icons, and this incredible lady is one of them.
While on my daily birding run, I found her (name unknown) leisurely passing by in horse and buggy, with dogs in tow, while willing to chat, and more than willing to pose for my camera.
I can think of nowhere else in the world that one might stumble over this scene, other than in Sequim! To me, she is the epitome of what Sequim represents – rural roots and neighborly charm.
But unfortunately, although I photographed her in April of 2021, I lost track of her, as well as my communication with her. So I’m asking all of you to help me locate her…or to at least provide me with an avenue to contact her.
Love reading about interesting local residents in Sequim.
Thank you, Sandy, I loved meeting her! I’m just so sorry that I haven’t seen her since we met in 2021.
YOU did it lady! That is an amazing photo! Thanks, for sharing!
Thank you so much, Linda! So glad you enjoyed it.
A good portrait.
Thank you, I was wishing that the dogs would have been more cooperative, but then dogs will be dogs. She was a joy to photograph tho.