Oh no COVID (and dead fish) got me!

Hello all my awesome followers…

I have been in the Amazon and the Galapagos for the last two and half weeks. Unfortunately my husband and I returned with a heavy case of COVID. It has really taken both of us out. To add insult to injury my studio /shop smelled like terrible death when I returned. I looked and looked and couldn’t find the culprit. But it smelled so bad I couldn’t even use my computer in there.

My husband had lost his sense of smell (good timing for him) so he couldn’t help me. FINALLY I realized that although our freezer was running, it wasn’t freezing or cooling…thus everything had been rotting for three weeks….

My awesome husband whose sense of smell was just returning got the freezer out and took care of all the rotting fish and crab. Now we’re trying to get rid of the god awful smell…

So hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get some posts up. I am planning for a special two week amazon/galapagos session. I just need some time to go thru and pick my favorite photos…

Thanks for understanding!


4 thoughts on “Oh no COVID (and dead fish) got me!”

  1. God Bless you Both! Get well and don’t push it. Sometimes it takes longer than you think.

    1. Thanks… Your right Ken was feeling great for 2 days now he’s rebounding and sicker than a dog again….

  2. Ugggh. Awful.

    I had Covid a year ago and it was tough. When I got really sick in April, I tested several times just in case but it came back negative every time.

    1. I seriously have had it three times now…each time after an overseas trip. Every time was different…but none of them fun.. And I’m triple vaccinated and in really good health.

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