This lil black cap chickadee flew into our window. My husband picked him up before the cat could. He was going to help him fly away-BUT it had a very tight grip of his fingers and wouldn’t let go. So my husband let him sit there for about 10 minutes until he got his wits back and flew off.
Your husband is a hero! ~(‾▿‾)~
the bird is a Red-breasted Nuthatch, another common bird around here. The rusty breast, more rounded shape, larger beak and short tail are good ID clues. They make an “aaank – aaank – aaank” sound and sometimes little pips and squeaks. Good chance it is a young bird, hatched this year, as its plumage is pretty dull. Good job on protecting it until it regained its balance and faculties from the collision. Putting the bird in a cardboard shoe box or paper grocery bag with the top clipped shut is another good way to give them a chance to regain their composure. We always put them inside the house, in a warm place. When they start actively flapping, usually in 10 minutes or so, they are ready to be released. Sometimes of course, the impact proves fatal, even if they are initially conscious when you find them.
THanks Gary,
I’ll have a shoebox ready for the next one. We have bird clings on our windows but the still seem to fly straight in! We have been just putting them in one of our planter boxes among the flowers.
A good shot of him.