3 thoughts on “Am I a woody?”

  1. Colleen, You are correct, it is a female downy woodpecker. A male would show red on the back of the head on the white stripe above the eye. A hairy woodpecker looks quite similar but is larger by about 2 inches in length. A hairy woodpecker’s beak appears to be much longer, about the same length as its head from front to back. That’s a good way to tell them apart, by the relative beak size. A good place to check your bird ID is Cornell’s site:

    1. Gary THANKS for the link to the oCrnell site. That is awesome. I was looking in my birds of the NW guide but they had the hairy but not the downy and I knew this one was too small and the beak not right either. My friend said downy and then it seemed right. So now I have Pileated, hairy, downy, and flickers at my house!
      THANKS again.

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