Something different

At the kitchen sink I kept hearing a quail calling but didn’t see anything out the window. That’s because he was on our roof. And he stayed there for some time.

The next day we noticed two Canada geese on a neighbor’s roof and a harrier hawk not far away on another neighboring roof. We don’t usually see any of these birds on rooftops.

About a week ago a coyote ran across our yard in the middle of the day. And the local paper reported a young bear on a nearby beach.

They appear to like the breathing room they’re getting with fewer humans to contend with.

8 thoughts on “Something different”

  1. It is happening here also. With the lack of humans out and about the animals are coming out of their hiding spots.

  2. I saw a news story about this exact thing. Naturalists were saying that as human traffic slows down, animals are feeling a little braver to be out and about.

  3. We saw a clip on eu news that showed a town being visited by a group of goats, no people were in sight. It wouldn’t take long for nature to reclaim what was hers before humans showed up.

  4. That is a super pic of the Quail. We see Canada Geese on roofs all of the time. Then the problem becomes getting the babies off safely!

  5. Interesting observations. Maybe animals are enjoying the extra room we are giving them at the moment.

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