Desktop travel

This was an interesting hotel we saw on our trip to Terceira Island (Portugal) last November.

We’re being encouraged to “self quarantine” at home in Washington state these days and keep a distance from others. The world gets a lot smaller when you think in those terms.

6 thoughts on “Desktop travel”

  1. Good advice! There are lots of flyers here on windows and doors to inform people of the virus. I’m sure they all know about it by now but those flyers do remind you to wash hands and sanitize frequently.

  2. I do desk top traveling all the time. I love looking at Google street view of places all over the world. Especially places I might not never go like Moscow or Perth Australia. It’s a great distraction.

  3. After doing a lot of travel during our working lives my husband and I are content to travel via the TV these days, which is fortunate. I feel sorry for the people who were about to embark on a “trip of a lifetime”, I do hope they get their money back so they can go again another day.

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