
I have photos of a bunch of houses in this post.

They all have something in common.

I don’t really expect you to know what that commonality is. But it’s fun to guess.

Admittedly, my photos don’t give you a lot of clues.

Play along and make a guess or two.

OK. This is what they have in common: First, all of these houses are within a mile of where I live. Second, every one of them — and a couple dozen more — have been built since I moved into my house in Sequim eight years ago. On the face of it, it’s not worth raising eyebrows over. But in a small community like ours that’s a population boom. I’m part of it. And it’s happening beyond that one mile radius, too. It’s a nice place to live.

6 thoughts on “Guess”

  1. Well from my observation they all have white “frames” and are of a style that we would not see in Australia. I can’t quite put my finger on it but they give themselves away as American.

  2. Well I’m glad you let the cat out the bag here Kay 😀 In a small town this would have quite an impact. Very nice looking homes .

  3. at first, it was craftsman style, but as I scrolled down- not. Maybe they’re all on Buckhorn Road.

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