
I grew up mindful of the date December 7th. Even as a child I remembered hearing recordings of Franklin Roosevelt saying that the date would live in infamy. In my lifetime September llth was added to chilling dates. Most of us won’t soon forget this one either.

7 thoughts on “9/11”

  1. Yes, I know what you mean and feel similar emotions about that dreadful day and its aftermath. Your post with the rainbow offers hope, which we need in these trying days.

  2. Beautiful photo Kay! September 11 was already a sad day for me as my mother died on that date when I was only a year old. Since 9/11 happened it’s just been even worse.

  3. A beautiful rainbow, it’s so appropriate for that terrible day. 9/11 is burnt in to all of our memories forever.

    Welcome back Kay, good to see your posts again.

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