
Air quality agencies have officially designated our local air quality as unhealthy due to numerous wildfires burning throughout the western U.S. and British Columbia. Our mountains are lost behind a dense yellow grey haze and there’s an off colored light on everything. It breaks my heart that there are thousands of people dealing with the horror of fires and I’m enormously grateful for the firefighters struggling to overcome the perils they pose.

I’m staying inside for now and working on other projects. I’ll be back in a few days when I’ve had a chance to get outside with my camera again.

6 thoughts on “Unhealthy”

  1. Sad times indeed Kay. I only hope some of the fires weren’t deliberately started.. that happens a few times here every summer, I just don’t understand that mentality. It really is heartbreaking for all those people who have lost their homes and worse. Thank heavens for the incredibly brave firefighters and volunteers ✨

  2. The orange sun is so sad – a bad sign of the horrific fires. We had one nearish to Bellingham but it was caught in time – scary indeed. We have the smoke from the BC fires too – which they say should lift soon if the wind shifts – but the heat continues.
    I’m back to blogging now, after a month and a half off – hope to catch up on my favorites. I spent the last week and a half being very sick – and not liking it one bit – I think I’ve turned the corner and now feel almost human. A visit from a grandson helped a lot.

  3. My heart sickens when I think of the terrible waste and hardship that some residents will experience because of these devastating wildfires.

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