SDP meets SDP

I can’t imagine a better play date than meeting up with another photo blogger to head out and find great things to photograph. In this case Sequim Daily Photo (SDP) met Jan of Sarasota Daily Photo (SDP) last week. Jan came to the Pacific Northwest from Florida and included a trip to Sequim and the Olympic Peninsula on her itinerary. During our quick tour of Sequim we successfully hunted for eagle shots, making the best of drizzling weather. Jan and her famous Junior Editor brightened the day with curiosity, humor, engaging conversation, and all around good cheer. My idea of a perfect day.

7 thoughts on “SDP meets SDP”

  1. How very nice! Sarasota is a long way from Sequim! And vice versa. Jan is a very fine photographer, too. So, I can see why you’d have fun. What a deal!

  2. Very cool Kay on the meetup. It’s always fun to spend time with those who share the same passion. Sounds like you had a fantastic day.

  3. Jan is good folks. I met her in Sarasota two or three years ago. She has been having lots of fun up in the PNW.

  4. Hey, I know that photographer! Great to meet you in person…and your DH too. Sequim is a beautiful part of the country! We so enjoyed the personal tour of your stomping grounds and the behind the scenes look at SDP World Headquarters. I’m just getting settled back in and hope to have my ‘SDP Meets SDP’ contribution posted by the weekend. Hope all’s well in your world!

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