Berry season


Berry season started early this year. My favorite spot, Cameron’s, opened before the end of May and stopped selling pre-picked berries a week or two ago. Usually we’d be in the middle of strawberry season right about now. Raspberries are next and I think I’d better get in gear before I miss it all entirely.

5 thoughts on “Berry season”

  1. Strawberry prices have dropped in the last two weeks. Over here you can buy them in tiny stalls set up by the side of busy roads. Haven’t seen any raspberries yet.

  2. Lots of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries in the stores here. I noticed the strawberries were overripe, many of them. Even the supermarket stuff has been pretty good. But yes, you’d better get your act in gear or the season will be gone and you’ll be berry, berry sorry!

  3. Strawberry season is already done here in Bellingham, though a few late varieties will be coming on soon. Raspberries started three weeks ago so won’t be long before they are gone too – and the cherries and peaches are already coming over from across the mountains – eat fast!!!

  4. I am berry, berry happy you found a wonderful strawberry to illustrate ow much we all love berries of all kinds!

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