My clothes washer is scheduled for an annual maintenance checkup today. That brought to mind these units that I saw at the county fair in August. This Maytag has a belt to a motor out of view and certainly had a bell, if not a whistle. I’m sure it was considered a very fancy model in its day.
This looks like the more basic model of its day, powered by elbow grease and persistence. Palpable history like this reminds me just how good I have it, and what a wimp I am compared to just about anyone who lived 75 to 100 years ago.
Surly, nowadays it’s hard to imagine wasching maschines like that one. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. It’s good to remember how it was in the past.
Your photo just jog my memory. Mother had a electric washing machine with a clothes wringer on it.
Amazing! I’ve never seen such ‘modern’ models! š
Looks like you are at a country fle market.
Very interesting. I don’t remember seeing that fancy model in my youth, but the basic model was sighted frequently. I even used one once. All of which reminds me again that the “good ol’ days” weren’t always that good!
My family also had an updated version of this kind of wringer washer in the ’50’s, and I once had an arm caught in the wringer. No serious damage, but I recall the incident vividly!
I hear people all the time moaning and groaning about this and that feature of modern life. Seeing things like this offers a healthy dose of reality about how much better we have things today.
yep, just thinking about having to do my laundry by hand makes me tired…. š