Happy Valentine’s Day

People who spend much time around me invariably discover that I tend to collect hearts. I don’t go overboard, but there are a few mugs with hearts, two heart-shaped bowls, some jewelry, the heart here and there in the home decor. Many years ago, walking in the desert, I began a collection of heart-shaped rocks found on rambles. The hearts that happen, the random occurrence in nature, are the most special to me. Those are my favorite valentines and I welcome them on any day of the year. So, naturally, when I discovered the random valentine in a bite of dinner it became a photograph. I know I pour love into my cooking. It’s nice to see the proof.

I hope you feel surrounded with love today and every day. It’s there if you open your eyes. Happy Valentine’s Day!

8 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day”

  1. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your family! I hope that your day is special in every way, filled with love, flowers, and chocolates plus a few more hearts for you collection.

  2. That’s great, Kay. Your cooking is filled with love. (If you had a cooking rival, you could have said, ‘Eat your heart out!’ as you enjoyed your heart shaped delight.)

  3. I knew you had a thing for hearts. Well, I’ve heard that you broke a lot of hearts down through the years. Is that true?

    These hearts look very good and I’m sure your Valentine appreciated them. Hope your day was full of love from the heart!

  4. hahahaha, thats very funny…
    i recently saw carrots easily cut into heartshapes, for in the soup. maybe i will try that, just for fun….

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