Clean Streets

Clallam County was back out yesterday cleaning the streets after taking care of them recently when it snowed.

8 thoughts on “Clean Streets”

  1. Siegfried, one thing I love the most about Washington is how green it is. There is something about the mixture of dirt and greenery that gives me a high. I’d be lost without trees.
    Pat, is that still Clallam County out there? If it is, have you tried calling the county to ask them to come out? I think the number is 417-2379.

  2. wow, so green. doesnt look like there ever was any snow. here there is so much that they have to bring it to “snow farms”…

  3. It’s amazing to me to see blades of grass coming up — seemingly as snow melts. Many kinds of grasses and tender shrubs are down for the count, but there’s a blush of green that makes winter seem less severe. And, after all, it is the “Evergreen State.”

  4. Yes we are Clallam County but we are unincorporated….we had great service for 5 years but because of budget cuts they cut our area. We are now losing our Bus Service on Sat. too. Thank you though for the phone number…I will put it in a handy spot and maybe call and plead our case? We just finished watching Secretariat..what a great film!!! (I love horses and the red horse in this one is a beauty!)

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