Pocket Park?


I don’t know who it belongs to…Serenity House or the apartment building on the left, but I surely think it could be cleaned up, some benches added, and a nice pocket park might result.  I know, I know…I should get right on it.   It just looks sad to me when we have so many lovely spots in Sequim.

A special thank you to my brother Denton, the techie in our family.  He added my new sidebar photo and then added a page where you can see our previous photos.   My how my  grandchildren have grown.

One thought on “Pocket Park?”

  1. That really is a perfect place for a pocket park. Maybe your blog will attract some attention to that need.
    Love the annual picture of your grandchildren and you. Sweet faces.
    Congrats on the new grandbaby to come too.

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