The Clallam County Fair is Right Around the Corner

It is time to get your projects ready to enter the fair. I usualy put a couple of quilts in the fair and for the last few years have entered photos. It is hard choosing only four. My choices are generally ones that I like…not necesarily ones that judges would choose…and that is O.K. I have nine printed…now which ones are will I enter? I’ll let you know what I choose.

Sequim Elk

You know some days you just know the picture you are going to post and something happens that changes your mind. Lucky me I had my camera with me on the way to town yesterday. I notice a small herd of young Roosevelt elk along Old Olympic. It surprises me at first. I am used to the blinking lights of the radio collared elk east of town. My car immediately goes to the side of the road…flashers on..I jump out with camera ready….
(1.) they head back to the fence east of the cattle and jump over, all but this big boy….
(2.) he checks out the fence
(3.) heads back to get a running start and doublechecks the speed limit sign
(4.) and bounds back over the fence….
(5.) just as a love sick cow runs up…I kid you not, when she saw him in the field she high tailed it right over to say hello!
Sequim is famous for its Elk and its lavender.
elk1.JPGelk3.JPGelk 6.JPGelk7.JPGelkcow.JPG

Robin Hill Farm

Robin Hill.JPG Less than a half mile from my house is Robin Hill Park part of the Clallam County Park District. The park offers a great deal to local residents and those visiting in the area. One of my favorite spots is the Master Gardeners demonstration garden plot. The food they raise there is fantastic. If I remember the story correctly, a Mr. McClure sold the land to the county for an incredibly low price with the provision he be allowed to stay in the family home until his death. Unfortunately, he did not live long enough to see the park developed in to the lovely spot it is today. It also has the Olympic Discovery Trail running along one edge. More about this the trail later this week.

John Wayne Marina

Now why would a marina in Washington be named after John Wayne ? Well, the link tells us the land once belonged to his family. The Duke liked sailing his boat into Sequim Bay. Apparently when the family learned of the need for another marina in this area, they donated the land to the Port Authority. I like going there. I’m not a great sailor, but I do love getting out on the water and enjoying the quiet. When invited, I rarely say no. We do have to be careful in this area. A fog bank can roll in very quickly.
