Meeting of the Minds

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I hope three of the nicest neighbors find this picture as amusing as I did. The lot next to me is being cleared in preparation for building a home. One of the neighbor’s father has spent the last week helping out. They have felled trees, cut them in to small logs and then split the wood. I was on my way out the door to teach and grabbed my camera. I noticed the guys having a conference. They were all standing around the logs, I assume discussing which tree should come down next…or maybe it was the Superbowl. I started shooting through the window, and didn’t realize I had this shot until I got home. Can you see why it tickled my funny bone?

Bin Buying

One of the many fun facets of shopping at Funny Farms is the option of buying just what I want in the amount I desire. One can find all kinds of beans, steel cut oats, bulgar, 5 different types of rice, trail mix and the staples of cooking. Spices can also be had prepackaged in small quanities. Food stuffs can be purchased for large families or for those of us who find ourselves often cooking for one. it’s always fresh and always tasty!

Sequim's Newest Resident

He was born at 10:38 a.m., January 31st. Details: 7 lbs, 9 oz., 20.5 inches long, black hair, long fingers, and absolutely perrfect. Mom did great!
My apologizes for missing the midnight posting. It’s a long but not very interesting story. I’ll be back on line to visit your blogs very soon, but for the next couple of days, I’ll be posting pictures (thank you word press), but be off line. Soon…I miss it.

Theme Day….Something in My Town That Annoys Me

I confered with a friend, and honestly I couldn’t think of anything in Sequim that “annoyed” me. I like where I live…and then I was waiting in line at the dump. There it was…someone was throwing away something that could be recycled!…and there was a bunch of it. I whipped that camera out and snapped away. Not 50 feet away was a huge container proclaiming “Cardboard Only”. It bugs me for several reasons…but it really bugs me because we are now having to pay to transport our refuse off the Peninsula. Our landfill has closed…which is a whole other story.