Animals at the Gate

Although I am not personally acquainted with the folks who live behind this lovely gate, I am fairly sure they love animals. It was only after I got home that I realized I had cut off the baby bears on top of the post to the left. There is a lovely home behind this gate with a pond in front. When we had one of our cold snaps, I posted this photo of the ducks on the pond behind the gate.

It Doesn't Hail In Washington

It doesn’t hail in least not where I live. I grew up in the Oklahoma Panhandle where a good hailstorm could wipe out a wheat crop in nothing flat. Last Friday, Big Brother and I were on our way to the hospital when it started hailing…baby size stones. (the dark spot is a knot hole in my deck) Then it turned into snow and slush. The storm was isolated. We probably had 2-3 inches where we were…but 3 miles to the West and a mile to the stopped. It’s been a wierd weather year.

Indoor Soccer

I love soccer! The two youngest boys learned in DYA soccer when I taught in Germany. Now I go to watch a grandson and a son-in-law. Yes, every Sunday you will find me at a game. Fall and Spring it is outdoors…Winter they play indoor ball. It’s a great game. I like the action…the great save by a goalie, the player who can steal a ball from another, and the perfect setup for a score. I admit that sometimes I cheer for the other team when they make a great play. (and then I duck my head) Our team has done well this winter. We should do well in the playoffs next week. I have tried all season to get a great action shot, using my camera’s pan feature. Today I gave up. This was the best of the lot…and it isn’t even average. If anyone has any tips, I’m listening. My camera is a Canon Power shot, S2 IS.

Big Brother

Yesterday I took big brother to the hospital to see his mom and our new baby. At first when told he had to wear a mask, he wouldn’t come in. But the chance to see mommy and get some hugs was finally worth the effort. There were tears when it was time to go home and then he didn’t want to go back to stay with his cousin. I ended up with a wiggly, cuddly, 4 year old in my bed Thursday night. The good news is our baby went home Friday night. He was taken off the oxygen for 12 hours and his counts stayed up, the wheezing has stopped…things are looking up! Once again thanks for your care and concern. A good night’s sleep and I’ll be back visiting the world…I do enjoy Daily Photo Blog.

View from a hospital window

We are truly lucky to have wonderful views in our local hospital. If you are in a North facing room, you look at the Strait of Juan De Fuca. If you have a South facing room,you look at the mountains. Below you will find a snapshot of me, all suited up. Baby is better, but he does have the flu virus along with viral pneumonia. Hence the get up below. Mom is improving. Maybe Friday we go home if things continue to progress in the right direction. Thank you for all of your compassionate and thoughtful comments today. I so appreciate this wonderful community of DP