Dungeness Wildlife Refuge – Repost

Just down the road a piece is one of my favorite places to go just about any time of the year. The sunsets here can be spectacular. When my neighbor sent me a wonderful picture she took last weekend, I drug out the “slip over your shoes” spiky things to help me keep from slipping and falling and took a walk. Over the next few days I will offer you some delightful sights of a small part of the lovely “Dungeness Wildlife Refuge”.

Health Clinic – Repost

With the cost of health care today, our community is very fortunate to have doctors and nurses who volunteer their time to staff this free health clinic. Although it is only open for a short period of time, it plays a very important role in providing medical assistance for those who can not afford to pay. The building is furnished rent free by a local church and several other churches provide monitary assistance for electricity, supplies, etc.