Sitting beautifully on a Japanese pine, “William” a barred owl, is from what I understand, a frequent visitor to Bloedel Gardens. While strolling through with a friend he made a showing that was not only surprising, but picture perfect.
And although an hour’s drive from Sequim, or an hour forty-five minutes via the Strait Shot bus, both the gardens and the preserve are absolutely stunning, and well worth the time spent traveling.
The reserve has a very interesting history dating back to 1951 when the property was acquired as a resident for Virginia and Prentice Bloedel (the house is beautifully restored and open for viewing), and in 1988, it opened to the public as a 140-acre public garden and forest preserve. On their website you can read more about the couple, their vision and mission for the future, and the incredible scenery.
And just recently, the gardens are welcoming visitors on a pay-what-you-wish basis on Welcome Wednesdays as part of the Reserve’s broad commitment to seek, include, and welcome all audiences.
So now there are no excuses not to visit, and when and if you do, I’m sure it will be an experience you’ll want to repeat.