John Wayne Marina…Here we come! (Repost)


 This is a repost from last July.  I just couldn’t get a new photo today…lots of work in the yard.  

Located in Sequim Bay, John Wayne Marina is one of the nicest marinas in this area.  The first thumbnail shows a military ship in the bay.  I’m not privy to all that they do, but I’ve been told they re-supply navy subs in the strait.  The second thumbnail is a shot of the marina from the other direction…..and then, just for my brother,  is a picture of me, smiling away.  Tomorrow I will show you an algea bloom.

johnwayne2.jpg   johnwayne4.jpg  me21.jpg

 I would like to clarify that many, if not all of these photos have been enhanced in Iphoto.  I was shooting through a plexiglass window.

4 thoughts on “John Wayne Marina…Here we come! (Repost)”

  1. What do you mean “just for your brother”?? Your sister likes to see you smile too!

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